primary skill: female vocals
additional skills: Drums/Percussion, Songwriter - Composer/Lyricist, Keyboards
genre: Pop
cd available at:
mailing address:
signed to: unsigned
major influences:
similar artists:
location: United Kingdom


Living in UK
Keep Me Satisfied to be theme song for Hollywood Film Co written with Michael Garvin
Appeared at EATM conference in Las Vegas performed in Los Angeles and at Madison Sq gardens at New York Film Festival.
Co written with Sony, Universal and EMI pub teams in Sweden and UK
Toured UK
Featured in TV documentary and national magazines.
top legal and PR firms in talks re representation.

upcoming shows

location date time price notes
support live music

record label:
music publisher:

to make updates or changes send e-mail to contact00@ThisSideofSanity.com with this reference number fv000025

listings without contact info will be removed December 31st


This Side of Sanity


female vocalist listings

    Free capsule summary web pages for independent bands and solo acts. Send your basic information (name, e-mail, phone, mailing address, website, instrument(s), style/genre, general location/country, etc.) to contact00@ThisSideofSanity.com. Keep total text information under 12K and limit of a single JPEG or GIF attachment (smaller than 23k). This is all done by hand, so please be patient on listings being added.

    Also, after I find a reliable service, I will be resuming the internet radio station MiloRadio.com — so feel free to submit CDs toMiloRadio.com, PO Box 1361, Tustin, Calif, 92781, USA.

song information


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