Charles Mingus

Style: avant-garde jazz, bebop, gospel, jazz, orchestral jazz, traditional jazz

    Charles Mingus, jazz bassist (double bass, piano, cello, trombone), born 22 April 1922 in US Army Base in Nogales, Arizona, United States,.and died 5 January 1979 in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

    “Most people know Mingus as a pioneering bass player, but to me he’s the most raucous and inventive composer of his era. His music has the energy of a revolution and, indeed, soundtracked many revolutions during the 50s and 60s. I was 15, aware of what was in the charts and flitting between dance music, indie rock and pop, and his particular style of free-form spoke to me as a rejection of the mainstream. There’s nothing polite about it, but I responded to his style of dirty jazz tinged with violence in a positive way. It seemed to be the epitome of rebellion, yet educational.”—The 10 best jazz musicians by Jamie Cullum

Google now has 3 Charles Mingus songs

“Fables of Faubus” by Charles Mingus [play song]
“Goodbye Pork Pie Hat” by Charles Mingus [play song]
“Hog Callin’ Blues” by Charles Mingus [play song] now has 3 Charles Mingus songs

#1 - 24999 votes for “Goodbye Pork Pie Hat” by Charles Mingus [play song]
#2 - 7328 votes for “Fables of Faubus” by Charles Mingus [play song]
#3 - 6477 votes for “Hog Callin’ Blues” by Charles Mingus [play song]

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