Koch Records summary information

label: Koch Records (Koch Entertainment)
address: 740 Broadway, 7th Floor
city: New York City
state: New York
zip code: 10003
phone: 212-353-8800
fax: 212-228-0660
web site: www.kochentertainment.com
genres: hip-hop, children, rock, pop, country, jazz, urban, world
distributor: Koch Entertainment


Bob Frank, President

contact for unsigned musicians

Cliff Cultreri, Senior Vice President of A&R

Dave Wilkes, Vice President of A&R

2004 Billboard Magazine Top Independent Labels (#4)
2004 Billboard Magazine top independent label on Billboard Hot Digital Labels chart
2004 Billboard Magazine top independent label on Billboard Top Kid Audio Labels chart

artists currently or previously on Koch Records

music released by Koch Records

singles released by Koch Records

albums released by Koch Records