music released in 1953


singles released or popular in 1953

ranked by popular vote
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#1 “Satin Doll” by Duke Ellington (with 11123 votes)

#2 “Money Honey” by Drifters Featuring Clyde McPhatter (with 10560 votes)

#3 “Mr. Sandman” by Chet Atkins (with 7644 votes)

#4 “Your Cheatin’ Heart” by Hank WIlliams (with 6044 votes)

#5 “The Song from Moulin Rouge” by Percy Faith and his Orchestra featuring Felicia Sanders (with 5906 votes)

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1952 1954

singles released in 1953

song artist album composer
producer genre U.S. charts
British charts
My Heart Belongs To Daddy Peggy Lee Black Coffee   unknown jazz   Decca

albums released in 1953

album artist genre U.S. charts
British charts
Black Coffee Peggy Lee jazz none
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