music released in 1992


singles released or popular in 1992

ranked by popular vote
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#1 “Smells Like Teen Spirit (official video)” by Nirvana (with 35024 votes)

#2 “Creep (official video)” by Radiohead (with 28912 votes)

#3 “Smoke Two Joints” by Sublime (with 27788 votes)

#4 “I Will Always Love You (official video)” by Whitney Houston (with 21594 votes)

#5 “Killing in the Name (official video)” by Rage Against the Machine (with 18726 votes)

#6 “These Are Days (official video)” by 10,000 Maniacs (with 16458 votes)

#7 “End of the Road (official video)” by Boyz II Men (with 15658 votes)

#8 “Sex Type Thing (official song)” by Stone Temple Pilots (with 15028 votes)

#9 “Even Flow (official video)” by Pearl Jam (with 13994 votes)

#10 “Jump (official video)” by Kriss Kross (with 12253 votes)

#11 “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica (with 11878 votes)

#12 “Silent All These Years (live)” by Tori Amos (with 11740 votes)

#13 “They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)” by Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth (with 11168 votes)

#14 “One (official video)” by U2 (with 10802 votes)

#15 “Silent After All These Years” by Tori Amos (with 5880 votes)

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