music released in 2009


singles released or popular in 2009

ranked by popular vote
vote for a song by playing the video all the way through
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#1 “Uprising (official video)” by Muse (with 38717 votes)

#2 “I Gotta Feeling (official video)” by the Black Eyed Peas (with 30964 votes)

#3 “Imagine” by Lady Gaga (with 28658 votes)

#4 “Tik Tok (official video)” by Ke$ha (with 25397 votes)

#5 “Hey, Soul Sister (official video)” by Train (with 25249 votes)

#6 “Hurricane (Censored Version)” by Thirty Seconds to Mars (with 20133 votes)

#7 “Little Lion Man (official video)” by Mumford & Sons (with 19551 votes)

#8 “Boom Boom Pow (official video)” by the Black Eyed Peas (with 16235 votes)

#9 “Mountain Song (official video)” by Jane’s Addiction (with 15148 votes)

#10 “Abracadabra” by Brown Eyed Girls (with 14820 votes)

#11 “Need You Now (official video)” by Lady Antebellum (with 14240 votes)

#12 “Chasing Pirates (official video)” by Norah Jones (with 13284 votes)

#13 “Poker Face (official video)” by Lady Gaga (with 13011 votes)

#14 “Undisclosed Desires” by Muse (with 11546 votes)

#15 “She Wolf (official video)” by Shakira (with 11339 votes)

#16 “A Balloon On A Broken String” by the Boy Least Likely To (with 10823 votes)

#17 “Secrets (official video)” by OneRepublic (with 10665 votes)

#18 “They Call Us The Working Class” by Walter Trout (with 9304 votes)

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2008 2010

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