Landing in London (All I Think About Is You) by 3 Doors Down (official video) is a rock song.
Song Title: Landing In London (official video) Artist:3 Doors Down Album: Seventeen Days Genre: rock Lead Vocals:Brad Arnold Backing Vocals: Bob Seger (lead vocals on second verse), Matt Roberts, Daniel Adair Lead Guitar:Matt Roberts Rhythm Guitar:Chris Henderson Bass Guitar:Todd Harrell Drums: Daniel Adair Strings: Kristin Wilkinson, Anthony La Marchina, Mary Kathryn Van Osdale, David B. Angell; String arrangements by Kirk Kelsey & Kristin Wilkinson Released: 2006 Label: Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Number of listens: 17934
U.S. Billboard Hot 100: peak #35, 2006
Country: peak #1 (one), 2006
Billboard chart listings courtesy of Billboard Magazine
Todd Harrell, bassist for 3 Doors Down, was arrested July 19, 2012, for DUI in DIberville, Mississippi (southern Mississippi).
Police Chief Wayne Payne said in a news release that Todd harrell was pulled over after 7 a.m. on Thursday, July 19, 2012, after failing to stop at an intersection and colliding with a silver Toyota pickup truck driven by Darryl Thibodeaus of Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Thibodeaux was taken to Ocean Sprigns Hospital for back and neck pain, but was quickly treated and released. Todd Harrell was driving a black Cadillac.
Chief Payne said Todd Harrell was charged with DUI-other and not wearing a seatbelt. DUI-other indicates being under the influence of any controlled substance other than alcohol.
The bassist was released on $1,000 bond after an appearance before a judge. According to DIberville police captain Clay Jones, Todd Harrell consented to a blood test after police suspected that the bassist was high on some sort of drug..
Todd Harrell (bass), Matt Roberts (guitar), and Brad Arnold (lead singer) formed the band 3 Doors Down in Escatawpa, Mississippi, in 1996. Matt Roberts left the band on May 24, 2012 with health problems. According to the official band website statement, Matt Roberts has problems with blood circulation and other health issues.
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Build your own player. Avoid the hassles and fees of commercial music services. Let there be a million free and independent music players on the web. Strongly suggest building players dedicated to specific kinds of music. Notify me of the location (URL) and specialties of your custom player.
Bathe her and then look at her. Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Scribal Texts
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