When The Saints Go Marching In by Louis Armstrong is a Dixieland jazz song.
Song Title: When The Saints Go Marching In Artist:Louis Armstrong Genre: Dixieland jazz, gospel Lead Vocals:Louis Armstrong Guitar: Lee Blair (original recording) Piano: Luis Russel (original recording) Bass: Foster Pops (original recording) Drums: Paul Barbarin (original recording) Tenor saxophone: Bingie Madison (original recording) Alto saxophone: Rupert Cole, Charlier Holmes (original recording) Clarinet: Rupert Cole, Bingie Madison (original recording) Trumpet:Louis Armstrong, Shelton Hemphill (original recording) Trombone: J.C. Higginbotham (original recording) Recorded: May 13, 1938, New York, NY Date:: 1939 Label: Decca 2230 Number of listens: 21021
In 1939 Louis Armstrong transformed the spiritual into a timeless jazz tune.
I think thats when it became a jazz standard and became part of the canons, jazz scholar Bruce Raeburn told Wynton Marsalis. Once Pops touched it, everyone was going to listen to that.
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If a child takes interest in crying, its mother will develop interest in comforting it. Beninese Proverb
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