July 12, 2012, is the 50th anniversary of the first Rolling Stones concert at Londons Marque Jazz Club.
Alexis Korners Blues Incorporated (fronted by Mick jagger) were the Thursday night regulars, but they had an appearance on a BBC live broadcast. Because Jagegr wasnt participating in the live broadcast, Brian Jones convinced the club owner, Harold Pendleton, to let their new group perform.
When Jones contacted the local listings paper Jazz News to advertise the show, he was asked the groups name. Jones used the name of the first song on a nearby LP The Best of Muddy Waters entitled Rollin Stone.
The orginal lineup was Mick Jagger on vocals, Brian Jones and Keith Richards on guiatr, Ian Stewart on piano, Dick taylor on bass, and Mick Avory on drums.
The set list:
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