Mumford & Sons

Style: folk rock, rock

    Mumford and Sons is a folk rock band from London, England, United Kingdom. The band was founded in 2007.


lead vocals: Marcus Mumford
backing vocals: Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall, Ted Dwane
guitar: Marcus Mumford, Winston Marshall, Ted Dwane
resonator guitar: Winston Marshall
banjo: Winston Marshall
mandolin: Marcus Mumford
keyboards: Ben Lovett
accordion: Ben Lovett
string bass: Ted Dwane
drums: Marcus Mumford, Ben Lovett, Ted Dwane

Google now has 6 Mumford and Sons songs

“Believe (official audio)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
“Hopeless Wanderer (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
“I Will Wait (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
“Little Lion Man (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
“Lover Of The Light (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
“The Cave (official video)” by Mumford and Sons [play song] now has 6 Mumford and Sons songs

#1 - 46928 votes for “The Cave (official video)” by Mumford and Sons [play song]
#2 - 26575 votes for “Believe (official audio)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
#3 - 23772 votes for “Little Lion Man (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
#4 - 22271 votes for “I Will Wait (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
#5 - 16570 votes for “Lover Of The Light (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]
#6 - 15317 votes for “Hopeless Wanderer (official video)” by Mumford & Sons [play song]

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