
Style: adult alternative, pop, pop rock, rock, soft rock

    Train is a pop rock band from San Francisco, California, United States.


lead vocals: Pat Monahan
guitar: Jimmy Stafford
drums: Scott Underwood

Google now has 9 Train songs

“50 Ways To Say Goodbye (official video)” by Train [play song]
“All About That Bass (official video)” by Meghan Trainor [play song]
“Bruises (official video)” by Train featuring Ashley Monroe [play song]
“Drive By (official video)” by Train [play song]
“Drops of Jupiter (official video)” by Train [play song]
“Hey, Soul Sister (official video)” by Train [play song]
“Lips Are Movin (official video)” by Meghan Trainor [play song]
“Marry Me (official video)” by Train [play song]
“Shake Up Christmas (official video)” by Train [play song] now has 9 Train songs

#1 - 40731 votes for “All About That Bass (official video)” by Meghan Trainor [play song]
#2 - 36399 votes for “Drive By (official video)” by Train [play song]
#3 - 28943 votes for “Hey, Soul Sister (official video)” by Train [play song]
#4 - 25266 votes for “50 Ways To Say Goodbye (official video)” by Train [play song]
#5 - 22326 votes for “Lips Are Movin (official video)” by Meghan Trainor [play song]
#6 - 15065 votes for “Bruises (official video)” by Train featuring Ashley Monroe [play song]
#7 - 15007 votes for “Marry Me (official video)” by Train [play song]
#8 - 13840 votes for “Drops of Jupiter (official video)” by Train [play song]
#9 - 5822 votes for “Shake Up Christmas (official video)” by Train [play song]

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