independent folk music

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Google now has 4 indie folk songs

“Best Day Of My Life (official video)” by American Authors [play song]
“I Bet My Life (official video)” by Imagine Dragons [play song]
“Riptide (official video)” by Vance Joy [play song]
“The Cave (official video)” by Mumford and Sons [play song] now has 4 indie folk songs

#1 - 46330 votes for “The Cave (official video)” by Mumford and Sons [play song]
#2 - 21097 votes for “Best Day Of My Life (official video)” by American Authors [play song]
#3 - 20682 votes for “I Bet My Life (official video)” by Imagine Dragons [play song]
#4 - 19797 votes for “Riptide (official video)” by Vance Joy [play song]