neo-soul musicians

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Google now has 10 neo-soul songs

“Crazy (official video)” by Gnarls Barkley [play song]
“Don’t Hold The Wall” by Justin Timberlake [play song]
“Electric Lady (official video)” by Janelle Monáe featuring Solange [play song]
“Grenade (official video)” by Bruno Mars [play song]
“Happy (official video)” by Pharrell Williams [play song]
“Rolling in the Deep (official video)” by Adele [play song]
“Rolling In The Deep/Ain’t No Mountain” by Aretha Franklin [play song]
“The Walker (official video)” by Fitz And The Tantrums [play song]
“Too Close (official video)” by Alex Clare [play song]
“Walk (official video)” by Kwabs [play song] now has 10 neo-soul songs

#1 - 41474 votes for “Rolling in the Deep (official video)” by Adele [play song]
#2 - 41452 votes for “Too Close (official video)” by Alex Clare [play song]
#3 - 40217 votes for “Grenade (official video)” by Bruno Mars [play song]
#4 - 39367 votes for “Happy (official video)” by Pharrell Williams [play song]
#5 - 25264 votes for “Crazy (official video)” by Gnarls Barkley [play song]
#6 - 17909 votes for “The Walker (official video)” by Fitz And The Tantrums [play song]
#7 - 16349 votes for “Walk (official video)” by Kwabs [play song]
#8 - 13781 votes for “Rolling In The Deep/Ain’t No Mountain” by Aretha Franklin [play song]
#9 - 13526 votes for “Electric Lady (official video)” by Janelle Monáe featuring Solange [play song]
#10 - 7782 votes for “Don’t Hold The Wall” by Justin Timberlake [play song]