Unsigned musicians


now has 54 Unsigned Artists songs

39188 votes for “Amazing” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
37781 votes for “Time Heals” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
35446 votes for “Enigma” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
34322 votes for “Scott’s Theme/Torch Trilogy” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
29388 votes for “For the Last Time” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
29042 votes for “Delusions” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
27666 votes for “Infected Me” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
25937 votes for “Cobalt Blues” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
24444 votes for “Rude Awakening” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
22894 votes for “Jackhammer” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
18769 votes for “Bone Yard Parade” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
17847 votes for “La Cuerva” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
17444 votes for “Remind Me Never/In Decision” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
17358 votes for “Robin Should” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
17034 votes for “Enigma (short version)” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
16236 votes for “El Capitan Edwardo” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
15948 votes for “I Am Trouble” by blackenglish [play song]
15661 votes for “My Reward” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
15625 votes for “Soso” by Kid Fella [play song]
15599 votes for “Sleepwalker” by Battle Tapes [play song]
15535 votes for “Liquid Soap” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
15365 votes for “Guydion” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
15175 votes for “You Might Be (a Pothead)” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14975 votes for “Katinka” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14811 votes for “Wonder” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14802 votes for “Innocence” by Harting [play song]
14785 votes for “Merry Christmas” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14768 votes for “Mr. Reputation” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14549 votes for “Glass Houses” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14514 votes for “Don’t Try To Make It Alone” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
14361 votes for “Wired” by Harting [play song]
13924 votes for “Touched” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13730 votes for “Find Your Way Home” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13730 votes for “Per Bast Dance” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13727 votes for “Pensando en ti” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13673 votes for “Wild Heart” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13548 votes for “Majik Veil Dance” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13362 votes for “Veil Dance” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
13082 votes for “Hey You” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
12647 votes for “Enigma (long version)” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
12606 votes for “I Miss You (Whitney Houston Tribute)” by Terrance Freeman [play song]
12506 votes for “Baby Elephant Walk” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
12266 votes for “Enola Gay” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
11982 votes for “Dream Girl” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
11958 votes for “Under My Bed” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
11805 votes for “Boys From Melbourne” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
11702 votes for “The Naughtiest One” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
11084 votes for “Shit Happens” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
6352 votes for “Ape Shit” by RoyLee [play song]
6212 votes for “Hands Up” by Ace Rothstein [play song]
6197 votes for “My Cards” by Anthologies [play song]
6037 votes for “Girls Night Out” by the Isaac Sisters [play song]
5980 votes for “Money (official video)” by Jaeh Shadow [play song]
5511 votes for “Meu Prazer” by Rosa E Nilson [play song]

now has 54 Unsigned Artists songs

#1 - 39188 votes for “Amazing” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#2 - 37781 votes for “Time Heals” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#3 - 35446 votes for “Enigma” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#4 - 34322 votes for “Scott’s Theme/Torch Trilogy” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#5 - 29388 votes for “For the Last Time” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#6 - 29042 votes for “Delusions” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#7 - 27666 votes for “Infected Me” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#8 - 25937 votes for “Cobalt Blues” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#9 - 24444 votes for “Rude Awakening” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#10 - 22894 votes for “Jackhammer” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#11 - 18769 votes for “Bone Yard Parade” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#12 - 17847 votes for “La Cuerva” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#13 - 17444 votes for “Remind Me Never/In Decision” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#14 - 17358 votes for “Robin Should” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#15 - 17034 votes for “Enigma (short version)” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#16 - 16236 votes for “El Capitan Edwardo” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#17 - 15948 votes for “I Am Trouble” by blackenglish [play song]
#18 - 15661 votes for “My Reward” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#19 - 15625 votes for “Soso” by Kid Fella [play song]
#20 - 15599 votes for “Sleepwalker” by Battle Tapes [play song]
#21 - 15535 votes for “Liquid Soap” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#22 - 15365 votes for “Guydion” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#23 - 15175 votes for “You Might Be (a Pothead)” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#24 - 14975 votes for “Katinka” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#25 - 14811 votes for “Wonder” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#26 - 14802 votes for “Innocence” by Harting [play song]
#27 - 14785 votes for “Merry Christmas” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#28 - 14768 votes for “Mr. Reputation” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#29 - 14549 votes for “Glass Houses” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#30 - 14514 votes for “Don’t Try To Make It Alone” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#31 - 14361 votes for “Wired” by Harting [play song]
#32 - 13924 votes for “Touched” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#33 - 13730 votes for “Find Your Way Home” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#34 - 13730 votes for “Per Bast Dance” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#35 - 13727 votes for “Pensando en ti” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#36 - 13673 votes for “Wild Heart” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#37 - 13548 votes for “Majik Veil Dance” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#38 - 13362 votes for “Veil Dance” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#39 - 13082 votes for “Hey You” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#40 - 12647 votes for “Enigma (long version)” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#41 - 12606 votes for “I Miss You (Whitney Houston Tribute)” by Terrance Freeman [play song]
#42 - 12506 votes for “Baby Elephant Walk” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#43 - 12266 votes for “Enola Gay” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#44 - 11982 votes for “Dream Girl” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#45 - 11958 votes for “Under My Bed” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#46 - 11805 votes for “Boys From Melbourne” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#47 - 11702 votes for “The Naughtiest One” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#48 - 11084 votes for “Shit Happens” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#49 - 6352 votes for “Ape Shit” by RoyLee [play song]
#50 - 6212 votes for “Hands Up” by Ace Rothstein [play song]
#51 - 6197 votes for “My Cards” by Anthologies [play song]
#52 - 6037 votes for “Girls Night Out” by the Isaac Sisters [play song]
#53 - 5980 votes for “Money (official video)” by Jaeh Shadow [play song]
#54 - 5511 votes for “Meu Prazer” by Rosa E Nilson [play song]