Musical Theory and Technique
This Side of Sanity

The trombone is a brass instrument. There are bass, tenor, alto, and soprano trombones. The tenor trombone is the most common.
The trombone is a brass musical instrument consisting of a long cylindrical tube bent upon itself twice and ending in a bell-shaped mouth.
Range: The tenor trombone has a range of E2 to C5 (approximately 82 Hz to 520 Hz, with overtones to 5 KHz when played medium lud and up to 10 KHz when overblown).
General MIDI Level 1 Sound Set Program Channel Numbers:
Trombone: decimal 58 or hexadecimal 0x39.
Muted Trombone: decimal 60 or hexadecimal 0x3B.
(See General MIDI Level 1 Sound Set.)
Average Power: The average power of a trombone played fortissimo is about 6 Watts.
The word trombone comes from the French word trombone, augmentative of the Italian word tromba meaning trumpet, coming from the Old High German word trumpa, meaning trumpet.