Musical Theory and Technique
This Side of Sanity

The harpsichord is an early keyboard instrument.
The harpsichord is a keyboard instrument in which the strings are sounded by means of quill or leather plectrums rather than hammers.
General MIDI Level 1 Sound Set Program Channel Number: decimal 7 or hexadecimal 0x06. (See General MIDI Level 1 Sound Set.)
The word harpsichord comes from the Obsolete french word harpechorde coming from the Italian word "arpicordo" coming from the Italian word "arpi" meaning harp coming frm the Late Latin word "harpa" meaning harp coming from the Germanic word "harpon" meaning harp and from the Italian word "corda" meaning string coming from the Latin word "chorda" meaning string coming from the Greek word "khorde" meaing string.