Musical Theory and Technique
This Side of Sanity

The flute is a woodwind instrument.
The flute is a high-pitched instrument of the woodwind family, tubular in shape and with finger holes and keys on the side and a reedless mouthpiece either at the end, as in the recorder, or on the side, as in the transverse flute. Also an organ stop with wide flue pipe which produces a flutelike tone.
Range: The flute has a range of B3 to C7 (approximately 247 Hz to 2,100 Hz, with overtones to 6 KHz).
General MIDI Level 1 Sound Set Program Channel Number: decimal 74 or hexadecimal 0x49. (See General MIDI Level 1 Sound Set.)
The word flute comes from the Middle English word floute or floite which comes from the Old French word flaute or fleute which comes from the Old Provençal flaut which was perhaps influenced by the Latin word flageolet meaning a small flute-like instrument (from the Vulgar Latin word flabeolum meaning flute) and the Latin word flare meaning to blow and the Latin word laut meaning lute.